I was shocked. At the first stage I wasn't able to recall a single achievement. But why? That is because there wasn't rather isn't clarity about the definition of achievement. When I wasn't able to gather a single achievement I broadened the scope of the definition and then after I finally was able to put something in that basket.
But why exactly I didn't gather even a single achievement. The reason is not only the haziness about the definition but also a lot of failures and things yet to be achieved hovered above the good things and made them insignificant.
I don't know the answer to the question "What do you think of yourself." and this question is unanswered till at the age of 21.
I don't know the scale at which the success is measured. I doubt when I laugh and ask myself whether I indeed enjoyed that moment or was laughing just for the sake of laughing. (This is totally pointless to mention here)
At this age of 21 I am both successful and a big failure , this totally depends on the reference for the comparison. If I compare myself with Mark Zuckerberg then I am nobody but if I compare myself to a beggar on the street then I am the most successful.
But why the hell do I need to compare myself to judge myself? Why can't I say that "Hey, since I am happy I am successful. Period." No, I can't do this because now a days people live for show off. An individual is least interested in his/her self but he/she is more concerned about his/her image in-front of others. (Could have written more in this but didn't get a feeling to write more on this aspect.)
I know I am digressing from the topic. So at the age of 21 what was I supposed to achieve?
Thank god there is no time-table or "things to do before XXX years"-table. This is because the human potential cannot be measured.
At the age of 21, I know only 3 languages but there may be a person who'll know 5-6 languages and there may also be a person will be illiterate. So what's the point? The point is "I donno".
I think that you may think that by giving these examples I am sending vibes of complacency. No, that's really not true. In fact I am sending exactly opposite vibes because no target set by you is enough. There is always a scope for more. This thing never ends yeah but just take some minutes just before turning 21 to write this kind of post.
At the age of 21 I have achieved so many things which I don't value because I have yet to achieve so many things.
The most haunting , cruel , harsh, disappointing, pitiable, ironic and brutal thing is that at the age of 21 I still don't have a girl-friend.